Amazon Seminar Course Readings, 8-20-15


August 24


Schmink, M. 2014. Charles Wagley’s legacy of interdisciplinary graduate research and training programs at the University of Florida. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Ciências Humanas 9: 3: 661-674. DOI: pdf

Ecology & History

August 31 Tropical ecology; geological history; climate; biodiversity and forest dynamics: Bette Loiselle

Wood, Charles H. 2002. Introduction: Land Use and Deforestation in the Amazon. Pp. 1-38 in C.H. Wood and R. Porro (eds.), Deforestation and Land Use in the Amazon. Gainesville: University of Florida Press. pdf

Holling, C. S. and Lance H. Gunderson. 2002. Resilience and Adaptive Cycles. Pp. 25-62 in C.S. Holling and Lance H. Gunderson (eds.), Panarchy. Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. pdf

Kricher, J.  1997.  Chapters 1, 3, and 4 in A Neotropical Companion: An Introduction to the Animals, Plants, and Ecosystems of The New World Tropics (2nd ed).  Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. pdf

September 14 Prehistoric settlement: Mike Heckenberger

Clement, Charles R., William M. Denevan , Michael J. Heckenberger, André Braga Junqueira, Eduardo G. Neves, Wenceslau G. Teixeira and William I. Woods. 2015. The domestication Amazonia before European conquest. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20150813; pdf

Heckenberger, Michael J. , J. Christian Russell, Carlos Fausto, Joshua R. Toney, Morgan J. Schmidt, Edithe Pereira, Bruna Franchetto and Afukaka Kuikuro. 2008. Pre-Columbian urbanism, anthropogenic landscapes, and the future of the Amazon. Science 321.5893 (August 29): 1214(4). pdf

Heckenberger, Michael J. 2014. Bio-historical diversity, sustainability and collaboration in the Xingu. Anuário Antropológico, Brasília, (UnB): 39: 2: 69-97. pdf

Mann, Charles. 2008. Earthmovers of the Amazon. Science 321 (August 29): 1148-1152. pdf

Schmink, Marianne and Charles H. Wood. 1992. Contested Frontiers in Amazonia: Introduction. Pp. 1-32 in M. Schmink and C.H. Wood, Contested Frontiers in Amazonia. New York: Columbia University Press. pdf

Barlow, Jos, Robert M. Ewers, Liana Anderson, Luiz E. O. C. Aragao, Tim R. Baker, Emily Boyd, Ted R. Feldpausch, Emanuel Gloor, Anthony Hall, Yadvinder Malhi, Willliam Milliken, Mark Mulligan, Luke Parry, Toby Pennington, Carlos A. Peres, Oliver L Phillips, Rosa Maria Roman-Cuesta, Joseph A. Tobias, and Toby A. Gardner. 2011. Using learning networks to understand complex systems: A case study of biological, geophysical and social research in the Amazon. Biological Reviews 86: 457-474. pdf

September 21 Urbanization: Marianne Schmink

Barbieri, A.F; Monte-Mór, R.L.; Bilsborrow, R.E. 2009. Towns in the jungle: exploring linkages between rural-urban mobility, urbanization and development in the Amazon. In: de Sherbiniin, A.;Rahman, A.; Barbieri, A.; Fotso, J.C.;Zhu, Y..(Org.). Urban Population and Environment Dynamics in the Developing World: Case Studies and Lessons Learned. Paris: CICRED. pdf

Schmink, M. 2011. Forest citizens: Changing life conditions and social identities in the land of the rubber tappers. Latin American Research Review 46: 141-158. pdf

Browder, John O. 2002. The urban-rural interface: Urbanization and tropical forest cover change. Urban Ecosystems 6(1): 21-41. pdf

Guedes, Gilvan, Sandra Costa, and Eduardo Brondízio. 2009. Revisiting the hierarchy of urban areas in the Brazilian Amazon: a multilevel approach. Population and Environment 30:159–192. pdf

Padoch, Christine, Eduardo Brondizio, Sandra Costa, Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Robin R. Sears, and Andrea Siqueira. 2008. Urban forest and rural cities: Multi-sited households, consumption patterns, and forest resources in Amazonia. Ecology & Society 13:2:2. pdf

September 28 PES/REDD: Jack Putz, Claudia Romero, Thales West

Putz, Frances J. and Claudia Romero. 2012. Helping curb tropical forest degradation by linking REDD+ with other conservation interventions: a view from the forest. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4:670–677. pdf

Hall, Anthony. 2011. Getting REDD-Y: Conservation and climate change in Latin America. Latin American Research Review 46: 184-210. pdf

Coomes, Oliver T., Franque Grimard, Catherin Potvin, Philip Sima. 2008. The fate of the tropical forest: carbon or cattle? Ecological Economics 65: 207-212. pdf

Nepstad, Daniel C. David G. McGrath, and Britaldo Soares-Filho. 2011. Systemic conservation, REDD and the future of the Amazon Basin. Conservation Biology 25: 6, 1113–1116. pdf

Thales A. P. West (2015): Indigenous community benefits from a de-centralized approach to REDD+ in Brazil. Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2015.1058238 pdf


October 5 Deforestation, fragmentation and fire feedbacks: Robert Walker

Cochrane, Mark A., and William F. Laurance. 2008. Synergisms among fire, land use, and climate change in the Amazon. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 37: 522-527. pdf

Arima, Eugenio Y., Robert T. Walker, Stephen Perz, and Carlos Souza Jr. 2015. Explaining the fragmentation in the Brazilian Amazonian forest. Journal of Land Use Science ahead-of-print (2015): 1-21. pdf

Walker, Robert, John Browder, Eugenio Arima, Cynthia Simmons, Ritaumaria Pereira, Marcellus Caldas, Ricardo Shirota, and Sergio de Zen.  2009.  Ranching and the new global range: Amazonia in the 21st century. Geoforum 40:732-745. pdf

Walker, Robert, and Peter Richards. 2014. A political ecology of the disappearance of the Amazonian forest. Pages 24-47 in Christian Bannstrom and Jacqueline M. Vadjunec (eds.), Land Change Science, Political Ecology, and Sustainability: Synergies and Divergences. New York: Routledge. pdf


Barber, Christopher P., Mark A. Cochrane, Carlos M. Souza, Jr., and William F. Laurance. 2014. Roads, deforestation, and the mitigating effect of protected areas in the Amazon. Biological Conservation 177:203-209. pdf

Eric A. Davidson, Alessandro C. de Araujo, Paulo Artaxo, Jennifer K. Balch, I. Foster Brown, Mercedes M. C. Bustamante, Michael T. Coe, Ruth S. DeFries, Michael Keller, Marcos Longo, J. William Munger, Wilfrid Schroeder, Britaldo S. Soares-Filho, Carlos M. Souza Jr, and Steven C. Wofsy. 2012. The Amazon basin in transition. Nature 481:321-328. pdf

Nepstad, D., S. Schwartzman, B. Bamberger, M. Santelli, D. Ray, P. Schlesinger, P. Levebvre, A. Alencar, E. Prinz, G. Fiske, and A. Rolla. 2006. Inhibition of Amazon deforestation and fire by parks and indigenous lands. Conservation Biology 20:65-73. pdf

October 12 Mining and oil extraction: Santiago Espinosa and Andrea Chaves

Bass, Margot S., Matt Finer, Clinton N. Jenkins, Holger Kreft, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, Shawn F. McCracken, Nigel C. A. Pitman, Peter H. English, Kelly Swing, Gorky Villa, Anthony Di Fiore, Christian C. Voigt, and Thomas H. Kunz. 2010. Global Conservation Significance of Ecuador’s Yasunı´National Park.  PLoS ONE 5(1): e8767. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008767. pdf

Finer, Matt, and Martí Orta-Martínez. 2010.   A Second Hydrocarbon Boom Threatens the Peruvian Amazon: Trends, Projections, and Policy Implications. Environmental Research Letters 5:1-10. pdf

Martin, Pamela L. 2011. Global Governance from the Amazon: Leaving Oil Underground in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador. Global Environmental Politics 11: 4 (November), 22-42. pdf

Mercury in Madre de Dios. Mercury concentrations in fish and humans in Puerto Maldonado. Research Brief # 1. Carnegie Amazon Mercury Ecosystem Project, March 2013. pdf

Alvarez-Berríos, Nora L., and T. Mitchell Aide. 2015. Global demand for gold is another threat for tropical forests. Environmental Research Letters 10 (2015) 014006. pdf


Espinosa, Santiago, Lyn C. Branch, and Ruben Cueva. 2014. Road Development and the Geography of Hunting by an Amazonian Indigenous Group: Consequences for Wildlife Conservation. PLoSONE 9(12): e114916. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0114916 pdf

Pappalardo, Salvatore E., Massimo De Marchi, and Francesco Ferrarese. 2013. Uncontacted Waorani in the Yasunı´ Biosphere Reserve: Geographical Validation of the Zona Intangible Tagaeri Taromenane (ZITT). PLoS ONE 8(6): e66293. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066293 pdf

Rival, Laura. 2010. Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT Initiative: The old and new values of petroleum. Ecological Economics 70: 358–365. pdf

Sierra, Rodrigo, Fabian Rodriguez, and Elizabeth Losos. 1999. Forest resource use change during early market integration in tropical rain forests: the Huaorani of upper Amazonia. Ecological Economics 30:107–119. pdf

Suárez, Esteban, Galo Zapata-Ríos, V. Utreras, S. Strindberg and J. Vargas. 2012. Controlling access to oil roads protects forest cover, but not wildlife communities: a case study from the rainforest of Yasuní Biosphere Reserve (Ecuador). Animal Conservation, doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2012.00592.x. pdf

Finer, Matt, Clinton N. Jenkins, Stuart L. Pimm, Brian Keane and Carl Ross. 2008. Oil and Gas Projects in the Western Amazon: Threats to Wilderness, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Peoples. Plos One 3(8): e2932. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002932. pdf

October 19 Social movements and land struggles: Cynthia Simmons

Simmons, Cynthia. 2004. The political economy of land conflict in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94(1), 2004, pp. 183–206. pdf

Brenda Baletti (2012) Ordenamento Territorial: Neo-developmentalism and the struggle for territory in the lower Brazilian Amazon, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 39:2, 573-598, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2012.664139. pdf

Allegretti, Mary and Marianne Schmink. 2009. When Social Movement Proposals Become Policy: Experiments in Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Amazon. Pp. 196-213 in Carmen Diana Deere and Frederick S. Royce (eds.), Rural Social Movements in Latin America: Organizing for Sustainable Livelihoods. Gainesville, Fl: University Press of Florida. pdf

October 26 Dams and indigenous people: David Kaplan, Denis Valle, Elineide Marques, Carolina Doria

Stickler, Claudia. M., Michael T. Coe, Marcos H. Costa, Daniel C. Nepstad, David G. McGrath, Livia C. P. Dias, and Britaldo S. Soares-Filho. 2013. Dependence of hydropower energy generation on forests in the Amazon Basin at local and regional scales. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(23):9601-9606. pdf

Athayde, Simone. 2014.  Introduction: Indigenous Peoples, Dams and Resistance. Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America: Vol. 12: Iss. 2, Article 1, 80-92. Available at: pdf

Castello, Leandro., David G. McGrath, Laura L. Hess, Michael T. Coe, Paul A. Lefebvre, Paulo Petry, Marcia N. Macedo, Vivian F. Renó, and Caroline C. Arantes. 2013. The vulnerability of Amazon freshwater ecosystems. Conservation Letters 6:217-229. pdf

Zhouri, Ándrea and Raquel Oliveira.  2012.  Development and environmental conflicts in Brazil:  Challenges for anthropology and anthropologists.  Vibrant 9(1):180-208.  Available at  pdf

Fearnside, Philip.  2012.  Belo Monte Dam:  A spearhead for Brazil’s dam-building attack on Amazonia? Canberra, Australia:  Global Water Forum Discussion Paper 1210.   Available online at:–‐monte–‐dam–‐a–‐spearhead–‐for–‐brazils–‐dam–‐building–‐attack–‐on–‐amazonia/ pdf


Oliver-Smith, Anthony. 2014. Framing Social-Environmental Justice by Amazonian Indigenous Peoples: The Kayapo Case.  Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 12(2):18-121. pdf

Diamond, Sara, and Christian Poirier.  2010.  Brazil’s native peoples and the Belo Monte dam: A case study.  North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) Report on the Americas (September/October):  25-29. pdf

Finer, Matt, and Clinton N. Jenkins.  2012.  Proliferation of hydroelectric dams in the Andean Amazon and implications for Andes-Amazon connectivity.  PLoS ONE 7(4): e35126. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035126 pdf

November 2 Cultural forests of the Amazon: Nigel Smith

Denevan, W. 1992.The pristine myth: the landscape of the Americas in 1492. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 82:369-385. pdf

Smith, Nigel, Rodolfo Vasquez, and Walter Wust. 2010. Cinderella fruits and cultural forests in Pacaya-Samiria, Peruvian Amazon. Amazonica 2: 2: 328-350. pdf

Cleary, David. 2001. Towards an Environmental History of the Amazon: From Prehistory to the Nineteenth Century. Latin American Research Review 36: 2: 64-96. pdf


Balée, William. 1999. Footprints of the Forest: Ka’apor Ethnobotany – the Historical Ecology of Plant Utilization by an Amazonian People. New York: Columbia University Press.

Balée, William and Clark Erickson. 2005. Time and Complexity in Historical Ecology. New York: Columbia Univ Press.

Denevan, W. 2001. Cultivated Landscapes of Native Amazonia and the Andes. New York: Oxford Univ. Press.

Smith, Nigel. 1999. The Amazon River Forest. New York: Oxford Univ. Press.

Smith, Nigel 1999. Amazon Sweet Sea. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

Smith, Nigel. 2014. Palms and People in the Amazon. New York: Springer.

November 9       Community Forest Management: Karen Kainer

Duchelle, Amy E., Karen A. Kainer and Lucia H. O. Wadt. 2014. Is certification associated with better forest management and socioeconomic benefits? A comparative analysis of three certification schemes applied to Brazil nuts in Western Amazonia. Society and Natural Resources 27:121-139. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2013.840022 pdf

Pokorny, Benno, and James Johnson. 2008. Community forestry in the Amazon: the unsolved challenges of forests and the poor.  Overseas Development Institute Natural Resource Perspectives 112:1-4. pdf

Karen Kainer, Marianne Schmink, Arthur C. P. Leite, and Mario J. S. Fadell. 2003. Experiments in Forest-Based Development in Western Amazonia.  Society and Natural Resources 16:869-886. pdf


Cossio, Rosa, Mary Menton, Peter Cronkleton, and Anne Larson. 2014. Community forest management in the Peruvian Amazon. CIFOR Working Paper 136. pdf

Alcorn, Janis B. 2014. Lessons Learned from Community Forestry in Latin America and Their Relevance for REDD+. USAID-supported Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC) Program. Washington, DC, USA. 74 pp. pdf

Sears, Robin R., Christine Padoch, Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez. 2007. Amazon forestry transformed: integrating knowledge for smallholder timber management in eastern Brazil. Human Ecology 35:697-707. pdf

November 16   Commodity Plantation Expansion and Traditional Knowledge in Eastern Amazonia

Backhouse, Maria. 2015. Green grabbing – The case of palm oil expansion in so-called degraded areas in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. In: Dietz, Kristina; Brunnengräber Achim; Engels, Bettina; Pye, Oliver (eds.): The Political Ecology of the Agrofuels. Routledge. pdf

Baletti, Brenda. 2014. Saving the Amazon? Sustainable soy and the new extractivism. Environment and Planning A 46: 5-25. pdf


Mattei, Ugo and Laura Nader. 2008. Chapter 1 (pp. 10-34), Plunder and the rule of law, in Mattei and Nader, Plunder: When the Rule of Law is Illegal. Blackwell. pdf

November 23    Community-based Ecotourism: Amanda Stronza

Stronza, Amanda L. 2010. Commons management and ecotourism: ethnographic evidence from the Amazon. International Journal of the Commons 4:1 (February): 56–77. pdf

Stronza, Amanda and Jorge Gordillo. 2008. Community views of ecotourism. Annals of Tourism Research: 35: 2: 448–468. pdf

Belsky, Jill M. 1999. Misrepresenting communities: The politics of community-based rural ecotourism in Gales Point Manatee, Belize. Rural Sociology; Dec 1999; 64, 4: 641-666. pdf

Gillingham, Sarah. 2001. Social organization and participatory resource management in Brazilian ribeirinho communities: A case study of the Mamirauá sustainable development reserve, Amazonas. Society and Natural Resources 14: 803-814. pdf

Nelson, Sherre, Nailza P. Porto, Suzana M. Padua, and Marco Antônio Vaz de Lima. 2015. Conservation and Sustainable Tourism in the lower Rio Negro Basin, Amazonas Brazil. IPÊ: unpublished document. pdf

November 30    Policy Roundtable

Hochstetler, Kathryn and Margaret E. Keck. 2007. Amazonia. Pp. 140-185 in K. Hochstetler and M.E. Keck, Greening Brazil: Environmental Activism in State and Society. Durham & London: Duke University Press. pdf

Njagi, Tim, Lilian Kirimi, Gerardo Damonte, and Manuel Glave. 2015. Collective land access rights for enhancing smallholder livelihoods. ELLA Research Paper Series: Design and Methods paper May 2015. pdf

Gibbs, Holly, L. Rausch, J. Munger, I. Schelly, D. C. Morton, P. Noojipady, B. Soares-Filho, P. Barreto, L. Micol, and N. F. Walker. 2015. Brazil’s soy moratorium. Science 347:376-378. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa0181 pdf

Gibbs, Holly K., Jacob Munger, Jessica L’Roe, Paulo Barreto, Ritaumaria Pereira, Matthew Christie, Ticiana Amaral, and Nathalie F. Walker. 2015. Did ranchers and slaughterhouses respond to zero-deforestation agreements in the Brazilian Amazon? Conservation Letters April 2015:1-10. Doi: 10.1111/conl.12175 pdf


Kaimowitz, David. 2010. On the frontier: impact-oriented multidisciplinary research. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 29(6):560-570. pdf

December 7       Wrap up and evaluation