Monthly Archives: July 2015


Off to the meetings…..

By | July 31st, 2015|graduate students, research|

Summer is a busy time and the lab is off to several meetings to present their findings: Association for Tropical Biology, 2015  (12-16 July, Honolulu, Hawaii): Gonzalo Rivas-Torres, Luke Flory, Damian Adams, & Bette Loiselle. Experimental removal of an exotic canopy-forming tree has mixed effects on native and non-native flora in the Galapagos. Neotropical Ornithological [...]

Oscar Gonzalez receives WWF Russell E. Train Fellowship

By | July 31st, 2015|Andes, birds, graduate students, Peru|

Congratulations to PhD candidate Oscar Gonzalez from Peru who will receive a World Wildlife Fund Russell E. Train Education for Nature Fellowship for Fall 2015, his final semester at UF.  Oscar's research has centered around birds in high elevation forests of the Peruvian Andes.  His dissertation works explores the interactions between birds and flowering plants [...]

Congrats to Flavia Montano for receiving two new grants

By | July 26th, 2015|Bolivia, graduate students, research|

PhD student Flavia Montano has had a pretty exciting summer so far.  Besides conducting field work in the Bolivian Andes, Flavia learned that she has received two field research grants to support her dissertation research.  One is from the Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research from the American Philosophical Society.  Her second [...]

Porcupines can’t jump….

By | July 26th, 2015|Amazon, graduate students, Peru, research|

PhD student Farah Carrasco recently published a new paper with Dr. Tremaine Gregory from the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, where they describe new information about a recently discovered and little known porcupine of tropical forests. This work results from an innovative camera trap study to examine the use of natural canopy bridges to mitigate forest gaps created [...]