Monthly Archives: January 2017


Long-term study of manakins in its 17th year

By | January 1st, 2017|Amazon, birds, ecology, Ecuador, manakins, research, sexual selection|

We began this long-term project on birds, with a particular focus on manakins (Aves: Pipridae) in January of 2001.  The site - Tiputini Biodiversity Station in Yasuni Biosphere Reserve - is in western Amazonia and is arguably one of the most biodiverse-rich locations on the planet.  The field station is operated by the Universidad San Francisco [...]

Farah Carrasco publishes new paper in Biotropica

By | January 1st, 2017|Amazon, graduate students, Peru|

Do primates avoid areas disturbed by infrastructure development?  Find out what PhD candidate Farah Carrasco Rueda found out in a study with colleagues at Smithsonian Institution - Tremie Gregory, Jessica Deichmann, Joseph Kolowski and Alfonso Alonso.  Published in Biotropica, Farah and colleagues examined how primates used a forest area before, during and after construction of [...]