Monthly Archives: March 2017


    Amazon Dams Network awarded a UF Biodiversity Institute seed grant

    By | March 12th, 2017|Amazon, biodiversity|

    The newly created UF Biodiversity Institute (UFBI) awarded a Faculty Interdisciplinary Seed Grant to a joint effort by UF faculty, students and Brazilian collaborators of the Amazon Dams Network (Rede Barragens Amazônicas -ADN/RBA), hosted in the Tropical Conservation and Development Program (TCD) in the Center for Latin American Studies, in partnership with the UF Levin [...]

      Farah Carrasco awarded Global Bat Conservation Priorities grant

      By | March 2nd, 2017|Amazon, bats, graduate students, Peru, research|

      Bat Conservation International recognized the dissertation research of PhD candidate Farah Carrasco with a $5000 Global Bat Conservation Priorities grant PLUS a $1000 Women in Conservation Science special recognition.  Farah is studying bat communities in the Amazon of Peru with a focus on examining how agricultural land use practices affect bats and [...]