

About loiselleb@gmail.com

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So far loiselleb@gmail.com has created 93 blog entries.

Farah Carrasco exit seminar at UF

By | March 8th, 2018|Amazon, bats, biodiversity, graduate students, Peru, tropical|

The School of Natural Resources and Environment is hosting a seminar on Monday, March 12, 2018, 1:55PM-2:45PM in 112 Newins-Ziegler Hall. Farah Carrasco-Rueda, Ph.D. candidate and UFBI Fellow, will present “Landuse change and biodiversity: understanding patterns, driving mechanisms and impacts of mitigation.” Farah’s dissertation work is focused on the effects of landuse cover change on diversity, using bats [...]

Documenting display behavior of blue-backed manakins

By | November 12th, 2017|Amazon, birds, Ecuador, lek, manakins, sexual selection|

As part of her MS thesis, Ghislaine Cardenas, co-advised by C. Daniel Cadena (Univ. de los Andes) and Bette Loiselle (Univ. Florida), described the display behavior, vocalizations, and social organization of the blue-backed manakin (Chiroxiphia pareola napensis) in Amazon of Ecuador at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station.  Males of blue-backed manakins display cooperatively for females in [...]

Tools and Strategies for Conservation and Development in the Amazon

By | October 31st, 2017|Amazon, biodiversity, Bolivia, Brazil, climate change, Peru|

Recently, several of us from the lab participated in a workshop organized by UF's Tropical Conservation and Development (TCD) Program: "Tools and Strategies for Conservation and Development in the Amazon: Lessons Learned and Future Pathways".  This workshop brought together ~105 individuals including academics, conservation and development practitioners, research scientists, lawyers, donors, indigenous people, from USA, [...]

Vanessa Luna to join the Lab in August 2017

By | June 1st, 2017|conservation, ecology, graduate students, interdisciplinary, LAS, Peru, TCD|

A big welcome to Vanessa Luna Celino who will join the lab and become the newest "Gator" in August 2017.  Vanessa is supported by a competitive graduate assistantship from the Center for Latin American Studies and will be working towards the Master's of Latin American Studies degree (MALAS) with a specialization in Tropical Conservation [...]

Amazon Dams Network first RCN meeting coming soon in Flagstaff, Arizona

By | May 12th, 2017|Amazon, biodiversity, conservation, development, ecology, interdisciplinary, RCN, TCD|

Funded by NSF's Dynamics of Coupled Natural-Human Systems, the Amazon Dams Network will meet with partners from UF Geological Survey, Federal Universities of Tocantins and Rondonia in Brazil, Northern Arizona University, among others, in Flagstaff, Arizona from 14-18 May.  This first RCN workshop will promote cross-sectorial dialogue and learning across geographical borders, focusing on [...]

Amazon Dams Network awarded a UF Biodiversity Institute seed grant

By | March 12th, 2017|Amazon, biodiversity|

The newly created UF Biodiversity Institute (UFBI) awarded a Faculty Interdisciplinary Seed Grant to a joint effort by UF faculty, students and Brazilian collaborators of the Amazon Dams Network (Rede Barragens Amazônicas -ADN/RBA), hosted in the Tropical Conservation and Development Program (TCD) in the Center for Latin American Studies, in partnership with the UF Levin [...]

Farah Carrasco awarded Global Bat Conservation Priorities grant

By | March 2nd, 2017|Amazon, bats, graduate students, Peru, research|

Bat Conservation International recognized the dissertation research of PhD candidate Farah Carrasco with a $5000 Global Bat Conservation Priorities grant PLUS a $1000 Women in Conservation Science special recognition.  Farah is studying bat communities in the Amazon of Peru with a focus on examining how agricultural land use practices affect bats and [...]

Long-term study of manakins in its 17th year

By | January 1st, 2017|Amazon, birds, ecology, Ecuador, manakins, research, sexual selection|

We began this long-term project on birds, with a particular focus on manakins (Aves: Pipridae) in January of 2001.  The site - Tiputini Biodiversity Station in Yasuni Biosphere Reserve - is in western Amazonia and is arguably one of the most biodiverse-rich locations on the planet.  The field station is operated by the Universidad San Francisco [...]

Farah Carrasco publishes new paper in Biotropica

By | January 1st, 2017|Amazon, graduate students, Peru|

Do primates avoid areas disturbed by infrastructure development?  Find out what PhD candidate Farah Carrasco Rueda found out in a study with colleagues at Smithsonian Institution - Tremie Gregory, Jessica Deichmann, Joseph Kolowski and Alfonso Alonso.  Published in Biotropica, Farah and colleagues examined how primates used a forest area before, during and after construction of [...]

Study on bird-flowering plant interactions published

By | December 31st, 2016|Andes, birds, graduate students, Peru, research|

The main product of Dr. Oscar Gonzalez dissertation was recently published in the open access journal PeerJ.  This study examined the interactions between birds and flowering plants in elfin forest of the high Andes in Peru.  The study tests the importance of neutral processes and biological constraints in influencing species interactions and network properties.  Biological [...]