

New publication on Bolivian bat assemblages by Flavia Montano

By | July 6th, 2016|Andes, bats, Bolivia, ecology, graduate students|

Hot off the press!  PhD candidate Flavia Montano with colleagues Luis Aguirre, Mercedes Gavilanez, and Richard Stevens published "Taxonomic and phylogenetic determinants of functional composition on Bolivian bat assemblages" in PLoS ONE (released 6 July 2016).  You can access the publication here.  Their work compiles a rich data set on bats from many habitats within [...]

Flavia Montano receives two field grants for Bolivia research

By | July 1st, 2016|Andes, birds, Bolivia, graduate students, research, WEC|

Great news for PhD candidate Flavia Montano.  Not one, but two research awards came this past week.  The Rufford Foundation and World Wildlife Fund Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program both selected Flavia for funding in their competitive grants programs.  Her dissertation research is focused on revealing what drives bird community assembly (especially mixed-species [...]

Gators at BIOCON Peru Conference in Lima October 15-18

By | October 25th, 2015|Amazon, Andes, conference, Peru|

Many "Gators", present and past, participated at the Andes Amazon Biodiversity Conservation BIOCONPERU from 15-18 October 2015. Farah Carrasco helped in the organization and running of the conference, while Rodrigo Medellin, Alfonso Alonso, and Bette Loiselle provided two of the plenary lectures.

Double Play! Flavia Montano receives CALS scholarship!!

By | August 27th, 2015|Andes, birds, Bolivia, graduate students, research|

WEC PhD student Flavia Montano, joins labmate Farah Carrascco Rueda, in being awarded the Doris Lowe and Earl and Verna Lowe scholarship from UF’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. This $2000 award recognizes Flavia’s work in examining functional diversity and community assembly of birds along montane gradients in Bolivia. Congrats Flavia and Farah!

Oscar Gonzalez receives WWF Russell E. Train Fellowship

By | July 31st, 2015|Andes, birds, graduate students, Peru|

Congratulations to PhD candidate Oscar Gonzalez from Peru who will receive a World Wildlife Fund Russell E. Train Education for Nature Fellowship for Fall 2015, his final semester at UF.  Oscar's research has centered around birds in high elevation forests of the Peruvian Andes.  His dissertation works explores the interactions between birds and flowering plants [...]

Flavia Montano publishes new paper

By | November 19th, 2014|Andes, bats, graduate students, research|

Flavia and colleagues explore how habitat disturbance impacts species- and community-level responses of bats in the Andes in a new paper published in Acta Oecologica. Their study shows that at the individual species level, bats behavior and activity patterns can change even with low to moderate levels at disturbance.  Such responses might be missed if studies [...]