

Members of the White House Lab in Guatemala

By | August 1st, 2019|conservation, ecology, graduate students, teaching, WEC|

Robinson Botero Arias, Thomas Smith and Diego Juarez-Sanchez, all UF PhD students in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, traveled to Guatemala and gave research talks at Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala this past July.  Diego and Robinson, together with UF alumna Yasmin Quintana, and Valerie Corrado and Rony Garcia, also organized a workshop on [...]

Mixed-species bird flocks – hot off the press!

By | November 8th, 2018|birds, Bolivia, Brazil, ecology, graduate students, research, tropical|

Congratulations to Flavia Montaño-Centellas for her new paper with colleagues Lia Nahomi Kajiki, Giselle Mangini, Gabriel Colorado and María Elisa Fanjul that explores mixed-species bird flocks along elevational, latitudinal, and human disturbance gradients in the Neotropics.  This paper results from a special symposium entitled "Mixed-species flocks of birds: ecology and evolution" at the XII [...]

Vanessa Luna to join the Lab in August 2017

By | June 1st, 2017|conservation, ecology, graduate students, interdisciplinary, LAS, Peru, TCD|

A big welcome to Vanessa Luna Celino who will join the lab and become the newest "Gator" in August 2017.  Vanessa is supported by a competitive graduate assistantship from the Center for Latin American Studies and will be working towards the Master's of Latin American Studies degree (MALAS) with a specialization in Tropical Conservation [...]

Amazon Dams Network first RCN meeting coming soon in Flagstaff, Arizona

By | May 12th, 2017|Amazon, biodiversity, conservation, development, ecology, interdisciplinary, RCN, TCD|

Funded by NSF's Dynamics of Coupled Natural-Human Systems, the Amazon Dams Network will meet with partners from UF Geological Survey, Federal Universities of Tocantins and Rondonia in Brazil, Northern Arizona University, among others, in Flagstaff, Arizona from 14-18 May.  This first RCN workshop will promote cross-sectorial dialogue and learning across geographical borders, focusing on [...]

Long-term study of manakins in its 17th year

By | January 1st, 2017|Amazon, birds, ecology, Ecuador, manakins, research, sexual selection|

We began this long-term project on birds, with a particular focus on manakins (Aves: Pipridae) in January of 2001.  The site - Tiputini Biodiversity Station in Yasuni Biosphere Reserve - is in western Amazonia and is arguably one of the most biodiverse-rich locations on the planet.  The field station is operated by the Universidad San Francisco [...]

New publication on Bolivian bat assemblages by Flavia Montano

By | July 6th, 2016|Andes, bats, Bolivia, ecology, graduate students|

Hot off the press!  PhD candidate Flavia Montano with colleagues Luis Aguirre, Mercedes Gavilanez, and Richard Stevens published "Taxonomic and phylogenetic determinants of functional composition on Bolivian bat assemblages" in PLoS ONE (released 6 July 2016).  You can access the publication here.  Their work compiles a rich data set on bats from many habitats within [...]

Exciting week of nothing but seed dispersal

By | May 22nd, 2016|birds, ecology, interdisciplinary, research, seed dispersal|

From 9-13 May, Bette spent one glorious week talking about seed dispersal at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center under the excellent leadership of a dynamic trio of young women scientists: Noelle Beckman (SESYNC), Clare Aslan NAU) and Haldre Rogers (Iowa State University).  This team had assembled a stellar cast of empirical, mathematical and theoretical biologists together [...]

Gonzalo Rivas – the FIRST UF Gator PhD from the lab

By | August 9th, 2015|ecology, Ecuador, graduate students|

Congratulations to Dr. Gonzalo Rivas for receiving his PhD degree at UF's graduation ceremony on 7 August 2015 at the O'Connell Center. Gonzalo, pictured here with UF President Kent Fuchs, will soon start an assistant professor position at Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador. There he will continue his ecological research in the Amazon [...]

New grants and papers from the lab

By | January 17th, 2015|birds, Costa Rica, ecology, field station, graduate students, research, tropical|

Flavia Montano was recently awarded a Field Museum Visiting Scholarship to travel to the Field Museum in Chicago and work with Dr. John Bates.  She will likely make this journey in Fall 2015 to examine and measure museum specimens of Bolivian birds as part of her dissertation research examining community assemblage and variation in functional traits along [...]

Conserving biodiversity in palm plantations

By | August 22nd, 2014|biodiversity, development, ecology, graduate students, Peru, tropical|

Near Tarapoto, Peru, a private company is clearing rain forests to establish a heart-of-palm plantation.  The company is interested in mitigating the impacts to biological diversity and has planned to leave 25 m buffers around existing streams and wetland areas. Farah Carrasco Rueda is a PhD student in SNRE and TCD and a Peruvian national. She [...]