graduate students

/graduate students

Mahi Puri wins ESA’s Murray F. Buell Award

By | April 6th, 2021|biodiversity, conservation, graduate students, India, interdisciplinary, research|

Mahi Puri, PhD candidate in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation won the outstanding oral presentation by a graduate student at the 2020 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.  There she presented her work entitled "The balancing act: maintaining leopard-prey equilibrium could offer economic benefits to people in a shared forest landscape of central India".  Mahi has long [...]

New study points to conserving pine forests as key to conserving Bahama Oriole

By | March 16th, 2021|birds, conservation, graduate students, SNRE, TCD|

Rick Stanley, PhD student in UF's Interdisciplinary Ecology program and TCD program recently published a new paper that identifies native pine forests as key to conserving the highly endangered Bahama Oriole on Andros Island in the Bahamas.  Contrary to "conventional wisdom", this study discovered that the Bahama Oriole was in fact more abundant than originally expected. [...]

Timeline of Students in the Lab

By | September 7th, 2020|graduate students, research|

Bette recently gave a talk at the North American Ornithological Conference (NAOC 2020)- on Zoom of course!  This was a GREAT meeting that was excellently run and had more than 3000 attendees.  While preparing for her talk, Bette put together a timeline of the graduate students she has had in her lab since 1990.  Brought [...]

Dimensions of Bat Diversity in Forest-Agricultural Landscapes – Hot off the press!

By | June 30th, 2020|bats, ecology, graduate students, Peru, SNRE|

Congratulations to Dr. Farah Carrasco Rueda for her recent publication in Diversity which reports on her dissertation work in Madre de Dios, Peru.  This study examines multiple dimensions of bat diversity at the forest-agriculture frontier in the Amazon of Peru focusing on forests adjacent to papaya plantations and cattle pastures.  While agricultural lands adjacent to large [...]

It’s official! Dr. Michael Esbach!

By | April 21st, 2020|Amazon, biodiversity, conservation, ecology, Ecuador, graduate students, interdisciplinary, SNRE, TCD, WEC, wildlife management|

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Esbach - his dissertation "Hunting for Justice: Cofán subsistence, sustainability, and self-determination in the Ecuadorian Amazon" was just accepted by University of Florida Graduate School. Great work! Michael will graduate (virtually) in May 2020 with a PhD in Interdisciplinary Ecology from the School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE) from the [...]

TCD Students Fundraising Projects are Launched – Spread the Word and Support these Innovative Students

By | February 25th, 2020|courses, graduate students, TCD|

Today, 9 graduate students in the Tropical Conservation and Development Program launched their GoFundMe campaigns to support their summer research or professional activities.  These campaigns are part of a "learn-by-doing" professional skills courses that contribute to achieving a graduate certificate in Tropical Conservation and Development at the University of Florida.  Students will be conducting [...]

What did you do on Thanksgiving Break? Training Course for Brazilian Government Technicians!

By | December 4th, 2019|Amazon, Brazil, conservation, ecology, graduate students, wildlife management|

Robinson (Robin) Botero-Arias, PhD candidate in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation went to the Brazilian Amazon and led a training course for black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) management for government technicians over UF's Thanksgiving break.  Robin is a crocodilian specialist and has been working with Amazonian caimans for nearly 20 years and serves as [...]

The Balancing Act – New Publication from Mahi Puri & Colleagues on Leopards in Human-Dominated Landscapes in India

By | November 19th, 2019|camera, ecology, graduate students, India, interdisciplinary|

Congratulations to WEC PhD candidate Mahi Puri and her colleagues Arjun Srivathsa, Krithi Karanth, Imran Patel and N. Samba Kumar for their new publication in Ecological Indicators: The balancing act: maintaining leopard-wild prey equilibrium could offer economic benefits to people in a shared forest landscape of central India. This article shows that abundance of wild [...]

Workshop in Peru focused on community-based conservation areas

By | September 20th, 2019|Andes, conservation, development, graduate students, Peru|

Last summer with the support of a local grass-root organization, Red AMA, Vanessa Luna organized a 2-day workshop in Chachapoyas, Peru to promote collective discussion on the factors that limit and facilitate the effective management of community-based conservation areas in the northern Peruvian Andes.  She brought together leaders from 10 communities and through use of [...]

Members of the White House Lab in Guatemala

By | August 1st, 2019|conservation, ecology, graduate students, teaching, WEC|

Robinson Botero Arias, Thomas Smith and Diego Juarez-Sanchez, all UF PhD students in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, traveled to Guatemala and gave research talks at Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala this past July.  Diego and Robinson, together with UF alumna Yasmin Quintana, and Valerie Corrado and Rony Garcia, also organized a workshop on [...]