graduate students

/graduate students

Welcome to Diego Garcia

By | June 5th, 2016|birds, conservation, graduate students, Peru, TCD, WEC|

Diego will be joining the Gator Nation in August 2016 as he enters the PhD program in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation.  He completed his undergraduate degree at Peru's National University in Piura. He studies the ecology and conservation of endemic birds in an important bird area in nw Peru.  Climate change, land use changes, and [...]

“In memory of our fallen women”

By | April 8th, 2016|graduate students, TCD, WEC|

A shout out to all of the Latino-Hispanic Organization of Graduate Students (LOGRAS) at UF who recently painted a mural on the famous 34th Street wall.  Diego Juarez from WEC is President of LOGRAS.  Farah Carrasco says "the initiative was born after the assassination of the environmental activist Bertha Caceres and the two Argentinean girls murdered [...]

Class crowdfunding projects are a success!

By | March 29th, 2016|conservation, development, graduate students, TCD, teaching|

Congratulations to our team of intrepid students that developed their first crowdfunding campaigns in our skills course: Fundraising for Conservation and Development Professionals.  5 projects raised a grand total of $6483 in 30 days with 221 donations.  To learn more - click here.

Farah Carrasco Rueda’s new paper in Journal of Arachnology is published.

By | March 21st, 2016|graduate students, research|

Does a predator have you by the leg?  Well, lose that leg! or not?  What does "dropping a leg" mean to animal's movement after escape from a predator?  Well, if you have 8 legs, maybe not much, and given the alternative....  Farah and her colleagues experimentally tested the costs of losing legs in harvestmen.  Learn [...]

Farah Carrasco featured on UF Graduate School web site

By | March 11th, 2016|graduate students, Peru, research, TCD|

PhD student Farah Carrasco Rueda was featured on the front page of the University of Florida Graduate School web page (click here and look at "slider" pictures) as part of Graduate Student Appreciation Week!!  Given the large number of graduate students on the University of Florida campus this is an honor indeed for Farah and [...]

TCD Crowd-funding Projects Go Live!

By | February 22nd, 2016|graduate students, TCD, teaching|

Environmental education, dholes, bears, sirens, and communities - these are the focus of 5 crowd-funding projects that are part of the TCD Fundraising Skills for Conservation and Development course.  Click here to learn more about the exciting work of these UF TCD students.  Not only are these students learning how to use social media for [...]

Wrapping up The Amazon seminar

By | December 14th, 2015|Amazon, Brazil, courses, Ecuador, graduate students, interdisciplinary, LAS, Peru, TCD, teaching|

I had the distinct privilege of co-teaching The Amazon seminar with Dr. Marianne Schmink in Fall 2015 - what a great experience!  Marianne has been teaching this foundation inter-disciplinary seminar since 1981 when she first taught the course with Drs. Charles Wagley and Chuck Wood.  This fall we had 16 fabulous students and several faculty [...]

Hernan Alvarez finishes his M. Sc. degree

By | December 14th, 2015|Amazon, conservation, development, Ecuador, graduate students, interdisciplinary|

Congratulations to Hernan Alvarez who successfully defended his M. Sc. thesis on 2 November and turned in his thesis on 2 December 2015.  His thesis, entitled "Perceptions, participation, and success in two community-based programs in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon", examined stakeholder responses to two environmental monitoring programs in the Amazon.  Hernan is back in Ecuador [...]

Oscar Gonzalez a newly minted PhD

By | November 22nd, 2015|graduate students, Peru, SNRE|

Oscar Gonzalez defended his PhD dissertation on Friday, November 20. His committee included Drs. Emilio Bruna, Rob Fletcher, and Ignacio Porzecanski. Next step - make revisions and get the dissertation into the Graduate School by 2 December 2015. Congratulations Oscar and many thanks to his fabulous committee! Update: After turning in his dissertation on 9 [...]

Double Play! Flavia Montano receives CALS scholarship!!

By | August 27th, 2015|Andes, birds, Bolivia, graduate students, research|

WEC PhD student Flavia Montano, joins labmate Farah Carrascco Rueda, in being awarded the Doris Lowe and Earl and Verna Lowe scholarship from UF’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. This $2000 award recognizes Flavia’s work in examining functional diversity and community assembly of birds along montane gradients in Bolivia. Congrats Flavia and Farah!