graduate students

/graduate students

PhD Student Flavia Montano receives IDEA WILD grant

By | September 3rd, 2014|graduate students, research, tropical, WEC|

Congratulations to PhD student Flavia Montano for receiving a grant worth ~$750 from IDEA WILD. Flavia came to UF from Bolivia and is currently in her second year in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation.  She is interested in examining how species and functional diversity change along environmental gradients.  Her grant from IDEA WILD will provide some critical [...]

PhD Student Oscar Gonzalez wins UF-CALS award

By | September 1st, 2014|graduate students, SNRE, TCD|

Oscar Gonzalez was recently awarded the "Doris Lowe and Earl and Verna Lowe Scholarship" from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Florida.  This competitive award is based on "merit and potential for contribution to the agricultural and wildlife environment". More about this and other CALS awards can be found here. [...]

Conserving biodiversity in palm plantations

By | August 22nd, 2014|biodiversity, development, ecology, graduate students, Peru, tropical|

Near Tarapoto, Peru, a private company is clearing rain forests to establish a heart-of-palm plantation.  The company is interested in mitigating the impacts to biological diversity and has planned to leave 25 m buffers around existing streams and wetland areas. Farah Carrasco Rueda is a PhD student in SNRE and TCD and a Peruvian national. She [...]

UF-OTS Graduate Specialty Course in Costa Rica

By | June 17th, 2014|Costa Rica, courses, ecology, field station, graduate students, interdisciplinary, OTS, TCD, teaching, tropical|

Bette joined the on-going UF-OTS graduate specialty course in Costa Rica and spent a stimulating day discussing biodiversity conservation issues with law professors from Costa Rica and UF, law and natural resource students from Costa Rica, Colombia and the US. The course, Tropical Conservation and Sustainable Development: Law, Policy and Practice, combines lectures, field site [...]

OTS launches crowdfunding campaign to give students and researchers a boost

By | May 25th, 2014|Costa Rica, field station, graduate students, OTS, research, South Africa, teaching, tropical|

The staff at OTS  (@OTS_OET) have put their creativity hats on once again!  They developed a wish list for items that would enrich the daily experiences of researchers and students at their varied field sites in South Africa and Costa Rica.  To obtain these items, they are counting on a crowdfunding campaign to raise the [...]

Lab members receive field research grants

By | April 12th, 2014|ecology, graduate students, LAS, research, SNRE, TCD, WEC|

Congratulations to Farah Carrasco Rueda, PhD student in SNRE, and Flavia Montano, PhD student in WEC, who both received field research grants from Tinker funds in the Center for Latin American Studies as part of the Tropical Conservation and Development program grant competition. Farah will work in Peru on a project entitled "What is the [...]