

    Vanessa Luna wins UF Doctoral Research Abroad Grant!

    By | November 10th, 2021|Andes, graduate students, interdisciplinary, Peru, research|

    Congratulations to PhD student D. Vanessa Luna-Celino for receiving a prestigious UF International Center Research Abroad Grant for her dissertation work on fire management and governance in the Andes of Peru.  Vanessa's research will explore how local Quechua communities govern the use of fire for agricultural practices in  the high Andes, including understanding measures to [...]

      Mahi Puri wins Best Talk award at Student Conference on Conservation Science – New York

      By | October 14th, 2021|biodiversity, conservation, graduate students, India, interdisciplinary, TCD|

      Congratulations to Mahi Puri for winning the prestigious Best Talk award at the Student Conference on Conservation Science - New York hosted by the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History.  The meeting was held virtually from 5-8 October, 2021.  Her talk was entitled "An integrated approach to prioritize carnivore conservation in [...]

        Mahi Puri wins ESA’s Murray F. Buell Award

        By | April 6th, 2021|biodiversity, conservation, graduate students, India, interdisciplinary, research|

        Mahi Puri, PhD candidate in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation won the outstanding oral presentation by a graduate student at the 2020 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.  There she presented her work entitled "The balancing act: maintaining leopard-prey equilibrium could offer economic benefits to people in a shared forest landscape of central India".  Mahi has long [...]

          It’s official! Dr. Michael Esbach!

          By | April 21st, 2020|Amazon, biodiversity, conservation, ecology, Ecuador, graduate students, interdisciplinary, SNRE, TCD, WEC, wildlife management|

          Congratulations to Dr. Michael Esbach - his dissertation "Hunting for Justice: Cofán subsistence, sustainability, and self-determination in the Ecuadorian Amazon" was just accepted by University of Florida Graduate School. Great work! Michael will graduate (virtually) in May 2020 with a PhD in Interdisciplinary Ecology from the School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE) from the [...]

            The Balancing Act – New Publication from Mahi Puri & Colleagues on Leopards in Human-Dominated Landscapes in India

            By | November 19th, 2019|camera, ecology, graduate students, India, interdisciplinary|

            Congratulations to WEC PhD candidate Mahi Puri and her colleagues Arjun Srivathsa, Krithi Karanth, Imran Patel and N. Samba Kumar for their new publication in Ecological Indicators: The balancing act: maintaining leopard-wild prey equilibrium could offer economic benefits to people in a shared forest landscape of central India. This article shows that abundance of wild [...]

              Vanessa Luna to join the Lab in August 2017

              By | June 1st, 2017|conservation, ecology, graduate students, interdisciplinary, LAS, Peru, TCD|

              A big welcome to Vanessa Luna Celino who will join the lab and become the newest "Gator" in August 2017.  Vanessa is supported by a competitive graduate assistantship from the Center for Latin American Studies and will be working towards the Master's of Latin American Studies degree (MALAS) with a specialization in Tropical Conservation [...]

                Amazon Dams Network first RCN meeting coming soon in Flagstaff, Arizona

                By | May 12th, 2017|Amazon, biodiversity, conservation, development, ecology, interdisciplinary, RCN, TCD|

                Funded by NSF's Dynamics of Coupled Natural-Human Systems, the Amazon Dams Network will meet with partners from UF Geological Survey, Federal Universities of Tocantins and Rondonia in Brazil, Northern Arizona University, among others, in Flagstaff, Arizona from 14-18 May.  This first RCN workshop will promote cross-sectorial dialogue and learning across geographical borders, focusing on [...]

                  Exciting week of nothing but seed dispersal

                  By | May 22nd, 2016|birds, ecology, interdisciplinary, research, seed dispersal|

                  From 9-13 May, Bette spent one glorious week talking about seed dispersal at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center under the excellent leadership of a dynamic trio of young women scientists: Noelle Beckman (SESYNC), Clare Aslan NAU) and Haldre Rogers (Iowa State University).  This team had assembled a stellar cast of empirical, mathematical and theoretical biologists together [...]

                    Wrapping up The Amazon seminar

                    By | December 14th, 2015|Amazon, Brazil, courses, Ecuador, graduate students, interdisciplinary, LAS, Peru, TCD, teaching|

                    I had the distinct privilege of co-teaching The Amazon seminar with Dr. Marianne Schmink in Fall 2015 - what a great experience!  Marianne has been teaching this foundation inter-disciplinary seminar since 1981 when she first taught the course with Drs. Charles Wagley and Chuck Wood.  This fall we had 16 fabulous students and several faculty [...]

                      Hernan Alvarez finishes his M. Sc. degree

                      By | December 14th, 2015|Amazon, conservation, development, Ecuador, graduate students, interdisciplinary|

                      Congratulations to Hernan Alvarez who successfully defended his M. Sc. thesis on 2 November and turned in his thesis on 2 December 2015.  His thesis, entitled "Perceptions, participation, and success in two community-based programs in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon", examined stakeholder responses to two environmental monitoring programs in the Amazon.  Hernan is back in Ecuador [...]