

Sharing UF Biodiversity Institute Blog Post by PhD candidate Rick Stanley

By | March 12th, 2025|Uncategorized|

This semester, PhD candidate Rick Stanley is a UF Biodiversity Institute Fellow.  Just released today are blog posts by 3 of the fellows, including Rick's post about PhD research on the endemic Palmchats found in the Dominican Republic.  Visit UFBI's website and learn about Rick's research, including how birds and researchers adapt to unexpected [...]

Visit to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

By | October 9th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Thrilled to have visited Michigan Tech University and the lab of Dr. Jared Wolfe this past week.  Met many great students and faculty, learned more about Isle Royale wolf-moose dynamics, spent the morning at a bird/mammal banding station, and saw the amazing landscape and forests on the edge of Lake Superior.  It was a blast!

Participatory mapping for strengthening environmental governance

By | January 11th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Congratulations to TCD's Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon (GIA) team led by UF-SFFGS PhD candidate Carla Mere and Dr. Andrea Chavez and Dr. Eben Broadbent, plus graduate students and colleagues from 4 Amazonian countries for the recent open access publication of "Participatory Mapping for Strengthening Environmental Governance on Socio-Ecological Impacts of Infrastructure in the Amazon: [...]

Hot off the Press! Mountain passes are higher in the tropics!

By | July 25th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Congratulations to Dr. Flavia Montaño-Centellas (flamontano [at] gmail [dot] com) for her new publication in Journal of Biogeography.  Using datasets from montane gradients across the globe, Flavia tests Dan Janzen's idea regarding "Why mountain passes are higher in the tropics" (American Naturalist, 1967) using multiple analyses of bird diversity across latitudinal gradients.  The study concludes [...]

Vanessa Luna defends her MA thesis

By | April 11th, 2019|Amazon, Andes, conservation, development, graduate students, Peru, Uncategorized|

Congratulations to Vanessa Luna who recently defended her MALAS (Master of Arts in Latin American Studies) thesis.  Her thesis entitled "Does establishment of community conservation areas lead to greater protection of existing forest? A case study from the Andes of northern Peru", examined changes in forest cover over the past decade in communities without [...]

Lots of Great News in Past Weeks

By | May 4th, 2018|Uncategorized|

The lab has been busting with good news lately.  Congratulations are due to many of our lab mates: Flavia Montaño & Diego Garcia were both awarded 2018 summer fellowships from UF's Biodiversity Institute Flavia will head to Bolivia to record bats using automatic sound recorders along the same elevational gradient she sampled birds in [...]